Wednesday 12 June 2013

A Glance into 15 Things driving .NET web developers crazy

ASP.NET offers a cost-free web framework enabling development of web applications and websites using JavaScript, CSS and HTML. ASP.NET renders support to three approaches for building of web sites:
  • As a web development platform, ASP.Net presents a complete software infrastructure, a programming model, and a range of services essential to build up tough web application for mobile devices as well as PCs.

  • ASP.Net works over the HTTP protocol, making use of the HTTP policies and commands to establish a two-way cooperation and communication on a browser-to-server basis.

  • ASP.Net is in fact a segment of Microsoft .Net platform. The applications of .Net comprise compiled codes, composed with the reusable or extensible objects or components available within the .Net framework. The complete hierarchy of classes within the .Net framework can be used by the codes.
The application codes of this web framework can be composed in J#, Jscript, Visual Basic .Net or C#. The framework can produce data-driven, interactive web applications across the internet. There are a plethora of controls such as buttons, text boxes and labels for manipulating, configuring and assembling code for the creation of HTML pages.

Things driving .Net web developers crazy
Although the .Net framework offers numerous advantages for the web developers such as rapid development, rich controls, built in security and more, there are various things about .Net that drive web developers crazy. Let us discuss some of those things here:
  • The .Net framework does not make room for convenient unit tests. There is more or less no support available for automatic unit testing using tools such as NUnit, which makes it difficult to go for test-driven development. Frameworks based on MVC such as ASP.NET MVC or Struts can perform better.

  • At certain times, the view state can become exceptionally large or negatively affect the performance. Such a thing is more applicable to the server controls that are more complicated.

  • Rounded corners, gradients and shadows need to be added for each element on the web page.

  • The same PSD has to be used as a starting point for each and every object. The unused layers need to be hidden but not deleted and the PSD should be minimum 100MB.

  • Same dimensions should never be used on elements, but each element needs to be given a distinct font color and size.

  • A modal window needs to be added and it is good if a major portion of the site (around 50%) gets developed in the modal window.

  • Adding a Facebook Connect button might seem easy, but it can be quite challenging for the .Net web developer.

  • When ‘Lorem Ipsum’ text is used instead of real copy, very often it so happens that the reserved area on the website is not big enough to accommodate the real text.

  • Once a page is complete, it becomes a challenging task for a developer to come up with a totally different version of the same page. Although the changes might be necessary or essential for user-experience, it is an arduous to completely change the page.

  • When PSD folders or layers are not present in an organized manner, it becomes difficult for .Net web developers to go about their task.

  • It is not convenient to work with PSD pages that are randomly merged.

  • When developers are asked to incorporate some fancy functionality, the same can become challenging although not impossible.

  • Many enterprises make the blunder of not showing the layout to the .Net developers at the initial stage but the same is done once the client views and approves it. Hence there is no scope for the developer to suggest necessary changes for convenient development.

  • Designing a form becomes difficult in case there is space constraint. It might lead to errors.

  • In case bug tracking software is not used in the initial QA stages and the changes are pointed out to the developer at a later stage, it becomes an arduous task for the developer to implement the same.

Design and development of new applications as well as maintenance of new applications become convenient with the help of .Net framework. By overcoming the challenges that drive them crazy, motivated energetic and flexible developers can indeed come up with outstanding websites and applications. This is what makes .net application development hugely popular.

We provide .net development services. If you would like to know more about our certified developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

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